Latest Past Events

Shell Slayer – ACM Halloween event

This Halloween, Professor Christopher Kauffman will teach you how to navigate the terminal and use powerful commands to hunt down and slay a rogue daemon that’s wreaking havoc on the ACM's files and directories. As you dive deeper into the layers of the infernal subdirectories you'll gain essential terminal skills like navigating filesystems, tracking down […]

Computer Vision and Robotics Lab Tour!

Iribe Ground Floor

Computer Vision and Robotics Lab Tour! Come Join the ACM Thursday Oct 17 at 6:00pm, as we go on a guided tour of the UMD Robotics and Computer vision labs. UMD Researchers will show off their projects, such as robotic arms, underwater computer vision, flapping robots, beamsplitter cameras, and much more. The tour will be […]

Automating the Wikipedia Game: Webscraping and Search Algorithm workshop!

CSI 1121 Computer Science Instructional Center, College Park

Meeting recording: Password: 3M#Y9Tg1 Join us for our next workshop where we will walk you through automating the Wikipedia Game. The Wikipedia game is a simple competition to navigate from one wikipedia article to another, using only links within wikipedia articles. We will be using python with selenium and beautifulsoup to walk through the basics […]